
Sub-District Softball District Assignments

Author:Dave Hoxworth
NSAA District:6
Proposal for:Activities Manual
Classes Affected:Class B
Activities Affected:Softball
This proposal:WILL increase costs to the school
WILL NOT increase costs to the NSAA
WILL increase travel for participating schools
WILL NOT decrease a student's or coach's instruction time
Implementation date:2024-08-22
Sections affected in Activities Manual:Page

District and State Championships
Summary:This proposal looks to change the current Class B sub-district assignments wording to:

Class B sub-district assignments are created using the number of total Class B Teams and based solely on geographic location starting West and moving East. The number of sub-districts and number of teams in each sub-district will be assigned as follows:

#of total Class B teams; Sub-District Assignments

Greater than forty (40); Ten (10) sub-districts will be four teams with sub-districts of five teams being created for the extra teams over forty (40). The five team sub-districts will be the teams that are furthest East.

Equal to forty (40); Ten (10) sub-districts will be four (4) teams

Less than forty (40); The number of sub districts will be the result of dividing the total number of teams in class B by four (4) rounded down to the nearest whole number. Sub-districts will be four (4) teams with sub-districts of five (5) teams being created for the extra teams over the result of four (4) times the number of sub-districts. The five (5) team sub-districts will be the teams that are furthest East
Rationale:This proposal would simplify the current verbiage pertaining to the class B sub-district assignments as well as specify the number of sub-district assignments when the total number of Class B Teams is less than 40. The current verbiage only addresses sub-district assignments with 40 or greater teams. In situations where less than forty (40) teams have been classified in Class B, like the 2022 softball season and the 2023 softball season, the far West sub-district has only included three (3) teams. This creates a situation where the three (3) team sub-district has the possibility of having a team only play one (1) game to qualify for districts whereas all others would have to play two (2) games. In order to create sub-districts that are as competitively equal for all regions as possible, this proposal would ensure all sub-districts would have to play a minimum of two (2) games by following a similar pattern to how all sub-districts are currently created with more than 40 teams.
Pros:Would eliminate the current scenario in which a sub-district would only have three (3) teams and have the possibility of a team only playing one (1) game. All teams would have to play a minimum of two (2) games.
Cons:Due to the possibility of varying number of sub-districts in the less than 40 team scenario, it would also change the number of wild card teams in districts.